Mammoth Hot SpringsNorrisMadisonOld FaithfulLakeCanyonTower/Roosevelt

Airports Near Yellowstone


 Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)     Jackson Hole Airport (JAC)     Idaho Falls Airport (IDA)

Yellowstone Regional Airport (COD)      Montana Gallatin Field Airport (BZN)    

Yellowstone Airport (WYS)     Montana Logan International Airport (BIL)    

Denver International Airport (DEN)     Our Recommmendations    


Search for Flights

     There are plenty of options for you to take to the sky and fly into one of the surrounding airports near Yellowstone National Park. Most of the airports near Yellowstone are smaller than the hubs in major cities, but what they lack in size they make up for in spectacular scenery. After landing, you'll have a scenic drive to look forward to the rest of the way to Yellowstone, and the distances to the park vary from airport to airport.

     Browse the airports below to see where the airports are located, distances from the airports to Yellowstone, and what region of the park you will be in depending on what entrance you choose to come through.  The Yellowstone Airport (WYS) in West Yellowstone, MT is the closest airport to the park, however it is very small, which sometimes means paying slightly more for your flight.  Like most people, you are probably interested in saving money on your vacation.  If so, the Salt Lake City International Airport might provide you with the most savings, if you don't mind driving about 4 -5 hours to Yellowstone from the airport.    


     Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)                                                     

LocationSalt Lake City, Utah  

Distance to Yellowstone: 337 miles to Yellowstone's South Entrance or 324 miles to Yellowstone's West Entrance

Directions: Salt Lake City Airport to the South Entrance and West Entrance.  

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when these entrances will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:  Once you enter Yellowstone through the South Entrance, you will be in the Old Faithful Region of the park. See what the Old Faithful Region has to offer.  Once you enter Yellowstone through the West Entrance, you will be in the Madison Region of the park. See what the Madison Region has to offer.



     Jackson Hole Airport (JAC)                                                                           

Location: Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Distance to Yellowstone: 49 miles to Yellowstone's South Entrance

Directions:  Jackson Hole Airport to the South Entrance  

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when this entrance will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:   Once you enter Yellowstone through the South Entrance, you will be in the Old Faithful Region of the park. See what the Old Faithful Region has to offer. 



     Idaho Falls Airport (IDA)                                                                                

Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho

Distance to Yellowstone: 109 miles to Yellowstone's West Entrance

Directions:  Idaho Falls Airport to the West Entrance

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when this entrance will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:   Once you enter Yellowstone through the West Entrance, you will be in the Madison Region of the park. See what the Madison Region has to offer.




     Yellowstone Regional Airport (COD)                                                            

Location: Cody, Wyoming

Distance to Yellowstone: 55 miles to Yellowstone's East Entrance

Directions:  Yellowstone Regional Airport to the East Entrance

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when this entrance will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:  Once you enter Yellowstone through the East Entrance, you will be in the Yellowstone Lake Region of the park. See what the Yellowstone Lake Region has to offer.





     Montana Gallatin Field Airport (BZN)                                                           

Location: Belgrade, Montana

Distance to Yellowstone: 89 miles to Yellowstone's North Entrance or 91 miles to Yellowstone's West Entrance

Directions:  Montana Gallatin Field Airport to the North Entrance or West Entrance  

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when these entrances will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:  Once you enter Yellowstone through the North Entrance, you will be in the Mammoth Hot Springs Region of the park. See what the Mammoth Hot Springs Region has to offer.  Once you enter Yellowstone through the West Entrance, you will be in the Madison Region of the park. See what the Madison Region has to offer.



     Yellowstone Airport (WYS)                                                                             

Location: West Yellowstone, Montana (Summer Only)

Distance to Yellowstone: 3 Miles to Yellowstone's West Entrance.  This is the closest airport to Yellowstone.

Directions:  Yellowstone Airport to the West Entrance

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when this entrance will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:  Once you enter Yellowstone through the West Entrance, you will be in the Madison Region of the park. See what the Madison Region has to offer.



Montana Logan International Airport (BIL)

Location: Billings, Montana

Distance to Yellowstone: 149 miles to Yellowstone's Northeast Entrance, 158 miles to the East Entrance, or 172 miles to Yellowstone's North Entrance

Directions:  Montana Logan International Airport to the East EntranceNortheast Entrance or North Entrance

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when this entrance will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:  Once you enter Yellowstone through the Northeast Entrance, you will be in the Tower/Roosevelt Region of the park. See what the Tower/Roosevelt Region has to offer.  Once you enter Yellowstone through the North Entrance, you will be in the Mammoth Hot Springs Region of the park. See what the Mammoth Hot Springs Region has to offer.  Once you enter Yellowstone through the East Entrance, you will be in the Yellowstone Lake Region of the park. See what the Yellowstone Lake Region has to offer.



     Denver International Airport (DEN)                                                                   

Location: Denver, Colorado

Distance to Yellowstone: 515 miles to Yellowstone's South Entrance or 548 miles to Yellowstone's East Entrance

Directions:  Denver International Airport to the South Entrance or East Entrance

Entrance Dates:  Check our 'Entrances' page for information about when this entrance will be open.

Region of the park you will be in:  Once you enter Yellowstone through the South Entrance, you will be in the Old Faithful Region of the park. See what the Old Faithful Region has to offer.  Once you enter Yellowstone through the East Entrance, you will be in the Yellowstone Lake Region of the park. See what the Yellowstone Lake Region has to offer.


   Our Recommendations:          Two options that we recommend are the Montana Gallatin Field Airport (BZN) in Belgrade, MT and Yellowstone Regional Airport (COD) in Cody, WY.  These airports are usually a good balance between being close to Yellowstone, and cheaper ticket prices.  The 1-2 hour drive from these airports to Yellowstone is very beautiful and goes by quickly.  Flying into the Belgrade, MT airport will set you up to use the North or West Entrance to Yellowstone.  Flying into the Cody, WY airport will set you up to use the East Entrance to Yellowstone.  Use the search tools above to find the flight that is right for you and Your Yellowstone Vacation.



 Important: It is not uncommon for weather conditions, especially in the spring and fall, to cause roads and entrances to close suddenly due to unsafe driving conditions. To get updated information on road conditions, call (307) 344-2117.

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